Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Drawing Challenge Day 31

Quicky. Long day today. 

I was at the forge when I thought of her and saw her.
I compared her to me, and saw that she was far more untied and free.
I saw she had been preparing for something-- unusually strong in her weakness now.
I saw a strange space before her that she walked into with a faithful heart.
And I was filled with sorrow and grief.
I saw the warning had been given kindly years ago. Rest, recovery, and preparation had followed.
Now I see a great and terrible future.
A man beside her. The gospel on her lips, and pain and suffering with the Lord to hold her.
I see the end.
I remain and endure and am struck to the core.
I pray my Lord, be merciful.
If you take her, come soon after.
Do not prolong our suffering- hear our cries and hasten.
Your will be done.
I saw all this and felt all this, and wept on the gravel beneath my boots.